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Re: Atari 400

From: Whatever
Category: 400/800/XL/XE
Date: 01 Jan 2000
Time: 16:06:43
Remote Name:


Atari 400 and 2600 are the low end of the spectrum. Since I've seen 800xl's for under $20 and as low as $10 I'd say the 400 and 2600 consoles only are at most maybe about $10 and you would likely do better financially with unloading it as a charitable contribution since you probably wont find a buyer for it even at $10 because the shipping alone will exceed its value.

The greatest value of these old systems is in the periperals. The 400 by itself cannot do much but if you have a half dozen game catridges and joysticks and especially the 1050 disk drives with it the value starts to go up to $20-50 because kids can play games with it and not just learn BASIC with 16K of RAM. Pretty much useless.

Last changed: February 19, 2002