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From: Rayford In Frisco
e-mail: Rayford@msn.com
Category: 400/800/XL/XE
Date: 01 Jan 2000
Time: 14:17:25
Remote Name:
I'm Ray Gillman. Went by Zeus in the forgotten days and I remember the JYBOLAC and many others. I see no point to bringing BBS' back.
The message areas like these on the internet and FTP sites have replaced Modems, message bases, and download areas.
All of us already pay for Internet. Why would we also go back to paynig for Long Distance and tie up phone lines with ancient modems and single user at a time access to remote PC's?
Indeed most of the old software works better and looks clearer on a 19" Pentium systems monitor anyway. What is actually VERY much lacking from our collections of ATR files here are UTILITIES and PROGRAMMING tools.
SO Many good educational programming tools existed and STILL exist SOMEWHERE for the old 130XE machines! Everything from Frank Ostrowski's TurboBasic and 8052 Assembler and Pascal to BasicXE and even ACTION and so on.
These wealth of old programmer tools and hey lets include stuff like understanding editing of binary files with maybe TEXTPRO II and all of those early tools which playing around with them have helped to make some of us the computer wizards of the 90's. It gave us a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the next generation computers that some of the new kids will never quite get. Just as some of us old-timers may not quite get it that the BBS is dead :)