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Re: Is it possible to actually beat the atari 2600 at chess?

From: Joseph Burke
Category: General
Date: 02 Oct 1999
Time: 19:37:33
Remote Name:


Any opponent can be beaten in chess. Remember Big Blue did not sweep. It lost a few along the way. I hardly think Video Chess on the 2600 is as daunting a program as what was on Big Blue. You have seen the pattern it uses to trap and keep from being trapped so out think it! I can't give you a cut and dry solution because every game is different. A book on chess with examples of the opening, middle and endgames would be a big help as most of the common situations are outlined in detail and with 4k ram the 2600 can't store nearly as much information as you can. As far as Othello is concerned I use the same strategy I use against humans. Try to monopolize the outer edges especially the corners. Set up situations where the computer move leaves you an opportunity to move onto an edge or corner square. Corner squares can't be changed once occupied and edge squares can only be changed from one direction. Win the edges and corners and the center squares will follow.

Last changed: February 19, 2002