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From: Joseph Burke
e-mail: JBurke7432@aol.com
Category: General
Date: 02 Oct 1999
Time: 19:08:48
Remote Name:
While it may be possible to read the format of the C64 drives on the Atari, the software is another story. The C64 does not use a 6502 like most people think it uses a 6510 or 8510 on later models. These chips have a 6502 compatibility mode but have some of their own instructions that the 6502 won't execute. The C64 also has some custom chips such as the SID which aren't used on the Atari. Also the memory map is different. A peek or a poke to the same location will probably produce different results on the two machines. Fortunately many single sided titles came with Atari version on one side and C64 version on the other to save on packaging costs. Otherwise you will need an Atari specific version or if you are technically minded you could dissassemble the C64 version and rewrite it to run on the Atari.(Too much work unless you can profit by it if you ask me)