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Re: Return of Heracles

From: Joseph Burke
Category: General
Date: 02 Oct 1999
Time: 18:30:47
Remote Name:


While I myself am having as much trouble as you are finding 8-bit titles I can tell you that according to The Atari Software Directory of 1983, the Herakles title you mentioned was available seperately at one time before the Age of Adventure package was released. I think Sinbad was the other title in AoA and was also available as an individual title. How I usually have my best luck finding individual titles is just to find someone selling an entire 8-bit system with software, picking out what I want and reselling what I don't. A messy solution to be sure, but one that has managed to fill my want lists and occasionally turned a profit for me over the years.

Last changed: February 19, 2002