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800 & 800 XL and add ons - worth anything?

From: Gary
Category: 400/800/XL/XE
Date: 10 Aug 1999
Time: 22:31:51
Remote Name:


I have a couple 800s and an 800XL, monitor, ATR8000, disk drives, other names include: Rambo, computer eyes, happy, sound programs, joysticks, other floppy drives including quad and 8" drives for the ATR 8000, lots of software, and more stuff I don't remember. I was really into it. I ran Magic Crystal BBS in the early to mid '80s. It was the 1st and longest running Atari BBS in the Tri-State (Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont) area at the time. Is any of this stuff worth anything? If so, email me at I used to run my whole business on an Atari.

Last changed: February 19, 2002