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Re: Games not working!!!

From: Mark
Category: General
Date: 04 Apr 1999
Time: 12:14:16
Remote Name:


Well now... lemme see if I can atleast throw my 2 cents worth in here...

I am also using Atari800Win, with no problems what so ever, other then only 2 floppies can be assigned at any given time, ie. D1 & D2, or D5 & D7, etc. etc. Go figure... As far as games not loading, I encountered that problem, and usually corrected it, but redownloading the file from another location. If that doesnt fix it, then maybe try using XL-It! from a true dos promt, and loading firing the game up.

As far as your games not loading dude, I get the impression (maybe I read wrong) but, your trying to load a .EXE/.COM from Atari DOS/Basic? If so, thats your problem, in Atari800Win, ya gotta ALT+L then select the .EXE/.COM file to load, I do it all the time with no problems. Make sure ya watch out for basic on/off tho. some games are touchy like that.

Mark Remove "nospam" to email me.

Last changed: February 19, 2002