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Atari EXE Files

From: Jim
Category: 400/800/XL/XE
Date: 20 Feb 1999
Time: 15:45:05
Remote Name:


Ok. I went back in time and found a FTP site with Atari 8 bit games and downloaded a swack of them. Then got XFORMER and tried, several ways and means to run any of the *.EXE files (like Archon, Bluemax etc...) and I can't figure it out. The docs were written nicely, but I can't interpret the lingo. In other words, Duh!

Sigh. If only my old 130 XE with 512 (YES! 512! I piggy backed the chips years ago) was still working. Games were easier to run then.

Any help via email would be greatly appreciated.

BTW. I still have my 1050s (doubled up), 800, XL and XE's kicking around with about 300 game disks, BasicXE and all those cartridges alike.... somewhere :)


Last changed: February 19, 2002